{How To Be An Everyday Philanthropist~ March}

March~ Use Your Computer

So we are a little behind but better late than never right! :) Welcome to those of you who are just joining us!! At the beginning of this year I set a personal goal as a mother to instill the importance of philanthropy by doing simple and easy projects with my two oldest children.  
 In all honesty I had picked up a copy of 
 Nicole Bouchard Boles book~ "How to Be an Everyday Philanthropist"  a year or so before and had never followed through with really using this amazingly helpful guide! So 2012 is the year! I decided to designate each chapter for a month in the year and use one of the suggested strategies in the corresponding chapter to highlight the importance of philanthropy in real hands on ways. 

So March was 'use your computer' which was a very fun and easy way to give back without even leaving our home. My kids are constantly trying to haggle with me for computer time and this was a total win-win for all.  
 This is our photo journal of completing our March challenge and another valuable lesson that giving back can be fun, easy, and even educational!
{Links below for fun and easy click-to-donate sites so take a look!}

The kids choose the site FreeRice.com to start with where you can learn while you give back! The kids were tested on everything from Math, to German, to Flags from around the world and had a blast watching their rice pile up! For each answer they got right 10 grains of rice were donated to the United Nations World Food Program.
The kids actually worked together answering questions and helping each other without fighting which made the experience even better! 

They even took turns being the one to 'click' the right answer to earn the rice;)

By the time we had to leave for school that morning the kids had earned over 1,000 grains of rice for the needy and hungry people around the world; now that is a hugely rewarding endeavor for any child to be a part of and I know we will continue to frequent this site and others for years to come!

If you are looking for fun and interactive ways to help your kids learn to give back here are a few that are listed in the book!


This is just a few of the many helpful links listed in the book.
For your own copy of How To Be an Everyday Philanthropist by Nichole Bouchard Boles: {'Click' Here :) }


{Special Feature~Jessica of J Hill Interior Designs}

 One of my goals this year was to feature other small business owners who inspire and encourage me! When you are starting your business from scratch it is fellow friends/business owners who can relate to the countless hours that must be invested to develop your brand. I have had the pleasure of watching Jes begin her business to becoming a sought after designer. 
This was such a pleasure for me to capture Jessica in a way that conveys her amazing and colorful personality and give her some up to date head shots as she takes her small business to the next level. 

  So without further ado; Meet the lovely Jessica owner and designer/decorator of J Hill Interior Designs. Jessica runs and operates her business in beautiful Coronado CA, and the greater San Diego area.  Jessica offers a wide spectrum of services that enable many different client types to hire a designer and her work is really amazing! You can check out more of her design projects on her website @  www.jhillinteriordesigns.com

Thank you to Jessica and much success! 

{San Diego Family Photography~ Hotel Del Coronado with the Lutz Family}

 In San Diego the Hotel Del is one of the most iconic features on the island of Coronado.
 This is the Lutz Family on the beaches of Coronado with the Hotel Del in the background for their family portrait session. It is always challenging working with young children but these two little angels were so good and so well behaved I could not believe it! It was a pleasure to work with such an amazing family and capture some really sweet moments with them in such a lovely location while their babies are still small. These are the memories you look back on when they are all grown up and ask where the time went. Thank you so much to the Lutz Family, Enjoy!

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