{How to Be an Everyday Philanthropist ~ January}


January~ Use Your Body

This year one of my personal goals is to encourage my two oldest children to partner with me in a year long quest to give back. My previous post {here} will shed more light on this:) 
We are using
 Nicole Bouchard Boles book~ "How to Be an Everyday Philanthropist as our guide to achieve this. 
We choose to designate a chapter for each month in 2012; and each one offers different ways you can give back. For January~Chapter 1, it dealt with using your body. Their were many suggestions and strategies listed so I encouraged the kids to agree on one that was special to them. 
The kids both agreed that they wanted to plant a tree as a way of giving back to our environment! 

So here is the Journey of completing our first months task and learning how to give back; even if in small ways, and hopefully along the way instilling the importance of philanthropy! 

We read through the chapter and Treven and Ava decided that Planting a Tree was our months goal! 

We arrived at our local Nursery to pick out our tree!

We asked for help in choosing a local variety that would grow in our area well.

After scanning the aisles the kids both choose a Sugar Tree, quite possibly for the name alone:) 

We went inside and researched more about the specifics our new tree would need so that we gave it the best possible home.

We even made a new friend while giving back; Butterscotch

After purchasing our tree we headed home to water and care for it for a week before planting.

The Big Day!! {Take two}
We had attempted to plant the tree prior to this occasion but only to find out that in our hurry to beat the setting sun we had forgotten our tiny shovel after arriving. It really was a blessing in disguise because it would have taken us forever to dig with that tiny thing!! haha
So I borrowed two shovels and we were back on track a few days later! 

Headed to our location to plant our tree!

The kids picked a spot they liked and got to work digging the hole

With the tree securely in it's new home the kids made sure to give it lots of water

Mission accomplished! Tree Planted!

Treemert <3

This was a wonderful experience and even with bumps along the way, some bickering, and issues with trying to find the time to accomplish what we set out to do; by the end of it the kids were so happy and proud they named their tree "Treemert" and decided to come and water and visit it every Monday:) 

{San Diego Family Photography~ Mission Beach CA}

I have been so blessed to be able to capture some very special milestones for the Phalin Family over this last year. Some of you may remember Kim's beautiful maternity photo shoot {here} last September and then upon the arrival of Miss Abigail Gray I had the pleasure of doing her newborn photo shoot at home {here} 
So needless to say I was more than thrilled to meet Kim's extended family as she has become such a dear friend to me. Although the shoot was short and sweet the memories will last a lifetime. These moments when babies are small and all of the ones you love are together come way too infrequently in our busy lives and I am so thankful I could be a part of it! Thank you Levy/Phalin family so much! 

3 photo shoots down and less than 3 months old!! She is a pro this one!

All the family together, love this one<3

The Phalin family and proud Grandparents! 

Grandma and her newest grandbaby

Daddy's are the best, so tough but so sweet:)

My Fav from the day!! Prettiest little ginger ever drool and all!

New Direction for 2012...!

Happy 2012 Everyone!!!

 I love the feeling of a fresh start at the beginning of each new year!! Each December I get very introspective and evaluate important areas of my life; my marriage and family, spiritual life, business direction, et cetera; and I try to focus on the direction I am feeling lead in for the new year to come! After much thought and prayer I am so excited to share what I have on my heart specifically for my blog this year!

My first love is my faith and my relationship with God and through that all things that I love overflow and become a part of my journey through life and make up 'who I am'.  I take joy in a lot of things and I want to share my experience of finding beauty in everyday life as a wife, mother, friend, and the many other multifaceted ways we connect and relate to each other. 

I love meeting with friends over coffee and sharing experiences; like talking about family issues related to being wives and mothers that we face, new amazing finds in beauty products or fashion, discussing areas of inspiration and faith I am pursuing; or maybe just what I read that morning in my favorite devotional.
 Basically if I would share it with a friend over coffee, I will share it here!

I am also desiring to share more of my passion for photography in some new and fun ways. Look for exciting inspiration shoots and collaborations on the horizon, camera tips, answering your questions about photography, and also sharing opportunities to further educate yourself in areas you are wanting to grow in as a photographer. In addition, I will also be featuring people who inspire me with their passions in areas I feel are relatable and interesting through monthly special features. 

Lastly my personal goal this year is to focus on giving back and another one of my loves Philanthropy.

Philanthropy is: 
1. The effort or inclination to increase the well-being of humankind, as by charitable aid or donations.
2. Love of humankind in general.
3. Something, such as an activity or institution, intended to promote human welfare.

This year my two oldest children and I will be doing monthly projects that focus on Philanthropy and how to easily combine into your everyday life with the help of this inspiring book written by: 
Nicole Bouchard Boles~ "How to Be an Everyday Philanthropist

I hope you will join me as we start this journey in 2012 and that you will be encouraged to take the passions you have and put them into action to bless others through your gifts and talents as small and simple as you think they may be<3

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