{San Diego Family Photography~Balboa Park}

This photo shoot was so enjoyable with this little family and Auntie in tow to entertain baby taking in all the beauty and color that Balboa Park has to offer! There are so many eclectic areas within the park and with both Mom and Dad being equally drawn to color it worked out perfectly to capture the newest and most adorable member of this sweet family! Although they live in Chicago we capitalized on their visit to see family here in sunny San Diego and had a great time creating some very sweet and of course colorful memories! Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your time here in San Diego and I hope you enjoy these shots and look back with fond memories when your sweet baby was so small!

{Coronado Family Photography~Beach Boy}

My recent photo shoot at the beach in Coronado was so much fun with this little guy! We got some wonderful shots of him totally in his element and just having the best time splashing in the water and playing at the beach which is his favorite place;) 
He was full of energy as most 2 1/2 year olds are and he gave me a workout chasing him around but you can see that these shots are going to bring back some really special memories of him when he was small and his love for the beach! Thankfully for this kid he is blessed to live in one of the most lovely locations imaginable in my opinion to enjoy it!! 
Someone is excited to be at his favorite spot at the beach!
I had to do this one in black and white... Just loved his little somber look:) 

Love this one
He is seriously pointing to the water because Mommy and I had been promising water for smiles! haha

Such a gorgeous sunset it turned out to be! 

Love the reflection in the glassy sand, the sun, and the movement!  

Pure happiness 

Mommy and Me shot

The sun was setting and we got this with the last little light~ Happy Boy

{San Diego Family Photography~Little Italy}

I loved shooting this fun and colorful family which perfectly matched our vibrant location in Little Italy! After speaking with Jes as to where she wanted to do their family photo shoot the first thing she said was lots of color! I had shot her a year or so ago for a creative and artistic senior {here} and I just loved the vibe of this location;) 
We had a wonderful time shooting different backdrops in the area and also stopped by 
Architectural Salvage; an amazing locally owned shop with all types of fun and interesting finds (the pic of little man on the ladder is shot their) and still made time for some silliness with Mommy and Daddy! All the best to this awesome family~ Enjoy! 

{My Journey ~ 1st Film Photo Shoot}

I feel like this post is a bit surreal for me. I have been on an amazingly inspired journey this year with my love and passion for photography. I never in a million years would have conceived that I would be going back to film as it is to some; an outdated medium, but I feel like this is right where I need to be. For me going back to film is going back to my roots, where I started from, and in the most raw since what I feel in love about photography. As I set out to start my business I had no idea I would end up spending more time behind a computer than behind a camera. Silly huh? But such is life and I am by no means complaining, I love what I do and feel blessed to do it; but in an artistic since it is just different when your true desire is to be creating in camera vs on computer:)

So my awaking began completely by accident when I pre ordered a copy of Elizabeth Messana's book "The Luminous Portrait" a stunning read which at the time I purchased purely for the idea of creating better portraits. To my surprise and utter disbelief the entire book was about Elizabeth's love and devotion to film, and so my journey began. I was baffled, intrigued, and totally lost. 
Thereafter I purchased Jonathan Canlas book "Film is not Dead" for further convincing that what was in my heart was not just craziness and this was worth following.   
So with these and many other revelations, my heart was set on pursing film and I searched the internet for equipment only to feel more overwhelmed and unsure, plus the fact I am very "old school" and rarely by from the internet!! haha
So I waited. I asked other photog friends for advise on acquiring equipment locally and from their decided to just be patient and keep waiting: unsure about where and when and how, but trusting that God willing my time would come. 

Several months later I got a random phone call from my photo mentor and friend who was hanging at a local camera shop in Little Italy and called to see if I had picked up a medium format film camera yet? (My heart was set on a Contax or Mamyia 645) He went on to tell me that they had a Mamyia 645 their for sale with 4 lenses, 3 film roll holder backs, a Polaroid back and more owned by a guy who worked their for years and in stellar condition. 

And so my journey begins.... {Smile} 

This session was an Inspiration Shoot which I had been dreaming about for a year now! My dear sweet friend Amanda and I had spoken about this and attempted to work together to make this happen several times to no avail but I believe the timing could not have been more perfect! I was thrilled that it lined up for this to be my first run with my film camera!!  I bounced back and forth between both digital and film for this shoot and all the while Amanda smiled, posed beautifully, and kept the horses in check! 

These are the best shots of the 3 rolls that I shot ~two color and one black and white. They are completely straight from the camera raw and untouched and I love them. {Smile} 

I want to say a special thank you to Amanda for her friendship, help, and support in making this dream a reality. 
Thank you to Brother Joe Ramirez for being at the right place at the right time and being an integral part in my photographic journey and always inspiring me to use my gifts for God.
To my Mom and Dad who always let me run wild with their camera while I was growing up. Shooting pics in and around the neighborhood of flowers and my dog mostly and of course on family vacations shooting countless pictures when it cost money to develop each shot. Your support and encouragement has now developed into a full fledged passion which I am living out.  
Lastly, I want to thank my husband. He is my hero, my best friend, and a constant source of strength and encouragement to me. He has always empowered me to pursue my dreams and supported me in every way imaginable (including financially, camera equipment is not cheap! hehe) and for that I am forever grateful. 


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