April~ Use Your Talents
"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.' " ~ Erma Bombeck
This is the April edition of a year long goal to practically live out a philanthropic way of life. I am accomplishing this with the help and instruction of Nicole Bouchard Boles book~ "How to Be an Everyday Philanthropist" The book is a great read in and of itself and oddly enough the beginning of this chapter highlighted a story of a man; Mario Betto, who styles hair for a living and has 'turned that skill into a force for good'. The book goes on to say; "His philosophy is simple: If people don't feel good about themselves, they won't be able to face life's challenges with confidence." So Mario start a nonprofit called Hairstylists for Humanity offering free haircuts to the homeless and other low income people.
I was blown away by this and thus my very own amazing stylist for years, the lovely the endlessly talented Martha Ramirez was recuited (very willingly) to use her amazing gift to bless my friend Regina with a brand new look!! This is a glimpse into how easy it can be to give back and use your talent to make a difference, even if it's one hair cut and color at a time :)
Martha has worked as a stylist in top salon's in Europe and currently works in and around the San Diego Area while being a devoted wife and mother, she is my kind of girl<3 She can be reached @ hairdone4u2@yahoo.co.uk |
Martha hard at work... |
Martha complets the cut by blow drying and styling Regina's new look! |
As a side note, Martha introduced me to this stuff and it is amazing, totally changes the texture of corse and over processed hair. |
The Adorable Miss G with Mama:) |
Regina opted for a side swept bang to complete her look! |
Ta Da! Fantastic new look in an afternoon and fresh new hair always makes you feel like a new person!
Special thanks to Regina and Martha for being a part of this installment!! |