Sullivan Family Photos

This family is just so sweet! We choose OB for the location for a fun laid back vibe and we had lots of options to make for an amazing photo shoot! Danika has personality for days so it was tons of fun capturing all her expressions and adorable things she was doing along with her loving parents in tow:)

So sweet, love this.

Love this angle 

Yes her eyes are that amazing and notice the flowers in addition to the bows in her hair; thanks Daddy:)

Danika insisted on them holding their flowers!!

Danika is checking out a star on the pavement I pointed out, "Yeah, Star!"

This shot makes me feel like I found this photo in a shoe box from 20yrs ago:0)

Love the brick and the color in this! 

Wiggly toes:)

I love this

My fav

Danika was waiting for the beach all morning! 

Double kiss!

Duputel Family Photo Shoot

The Duputel Family contacted me just days before their move from CA to MD and wanted to capture their last moments in San Diego. I was excited to to meet them and shoot at the Balboa cactus and rose garden for the first time too! As we met I immediately feel in love with this amazing family. Their love for each other and their children was just beautiful and I think that comes through in every shot.  They are just good hearted easy going people and we had the best time. The kids ran  around and we would just stop wherever get a few shots and continue on enjoying the day and capturing some great moments between them:)

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